Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is servanthood?

What is servanthood? 
Husbands, it might mean waking up early on Saturday mornings to take care of the kids so that your wife can sleep in.  It could be taking the initiative in the area of intimacy now and then.  Maybe it is postponing a date to serve a friend of yours who needs to move.  Maybe it is taking over a project at work and seeing it through to the bitter end because your co-worker is over worked.

None of the disciples took the initiative to wash their own or anyone else's feet.  Do you know what Jesus did?  Jesus got up and set aside his garment and put on the garment of a servant and washed the disciple's feet, one by one.  How many times in my own life have I been so prideful, just like the desciples, reclined, kicked back, and too prideful to serve my wife, too prideful to help my kids with their homework.  And I miss opportunities to serve.  I miss opportunities for humility and to show the authentic message of Jesus Christ to those I love the most.

Every time you serve, every time I serve, God says, "Thats my Boy", because when we do he sees his son in our lives.  Serving moves the heart of God.

Jesus said that for the math to work, for your life to be complete, you have got to add this character quality.  The way up is the way down.  The way to greatness is through severanthood.  That is one of the main focuses of the Christian life.  That is what God wants to build in your life and mine.

Mark 10:43-45
"Not so with you.  Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.  For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Are you prepared to Die to the World and be a servant?
Are you prepared to give up your life for God? 

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